⑴ 学财务管理专业想报考浙大研究生,报考什么专业好
⑵ 浙江大学金融学和财务管理专业
⑶ 财务管理专业是浙大好还是上交好
⑷ 浙大金融专业和财务管理专业
⑸ 浙江大学会计与财务管理系的概况
会计与财务管理系的教学与科研人员重点研究会计学的理论和方法、企业资本动作和金融企业的管理。近三年,共承担国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金资助的研究课题9项,省部级研究课题7项,并承担了20多项企业委托研究课题,出版专著和教材12部,在国内核心刊物和国外刊物发表论文100多篇,其中8篇被ISIP、SSCI 、EI 收录;获省级以上各项奖励4项。
系副主任:车幼梅副教授(主持)、 姚 铮教授
The Department of Accounting and Financial Management
The Department of Accounting and Financial Management offers a master’s degree program in accounting and 2 bachelor’s degree programs in accounting, and financial management and has been authorized to award the doctoral degree in accounting. The department devotes itself to the traning of students, cultivating them to become qualified management personnel who are upright, knowledgeable, skillful, and aware of typical international accounting conventions as well as Chinese practices.
The department has 2 research units: the Research Center for Capital Market and Accounting, and the Research Institute of Finance and Accounting and possesses a capable and innovative teaching and research team, focusing its research on theory and practice of accounting, enterprise capital operation, management of financial institutions, finance and accounting information, auditing theory and practice, managerial accounting and practice, commercial bank risk management, and operations innovation of investment bank. The department has scored brillian academic achievements in recent years and takes the lead in such research fields as theory of double-entry accounting, auditing system, accounting for financial derivative proct, management techniques of financial engineering, credit evaluation and management for small and medium sized enterprises. In recent years the department has completed 9 research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Philosophy and Social Sciences Foundation of China, 7 research projects funded by government departments of ministry and provincial level as well as more than 20 research projects sponsored by enterprises, and has won 4 research awards of ministry and provincial level. The department has also published 12 textbooks and more than 100 research papers, 8 of which have been listed in ISTP, SSCI, and EI.
The core courses offered in the bachelor’s degree program at the department include Accounting, Financial Management, Finance, Intermediate financial Accounting ,Advanced Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Auditing, Enterprise Taxation, Financial Management for Multinational Enterprises, Investment in Securities, Financial Derivative Tools, Management of Commercial Banking , Management of Investment Banking.
Deputy Director: Associate Professor Che Youmei(charge), Professor Yao Zheng
⑹ 浙大财管系课程
⑺ 浙大财政学的研究方向是什么 浙大没有财务管理专业么是并到财政学里的么
⑻ 求浙大的学长学姐指教:我是普通211大学财管专业的,想跨专业考浙江大学材料物理与化学的研究生。
⑼ 我考研想报浙大,浙大的研究生有财务管理专业吗浙大这个专业在全国排名好吗帮忙找下,谢谢哈!