① 寻求以下几门课程的英文课程描述
就业与法(法学院) Employment and Law (Law School)
商务礼仪 Business Etiquette
创意产业经济学(工商管理学院) Creative Instry Economics (Business Administration)
工程训练(Ⅲ)(市场营销) Engineering Training (Ⅲ) (marketing)
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 管理思想史(工商管理学院) Mao Zedong Thought and theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics Introction to History of Management Thought (Business Administration)
职业生涯导航 大学写作 社交礼仪 Navigation writing career, the University of Social Etiquette
家用电器原理与维修(文科班) Principle and maintenance of household appliances (Arts Stream)
② 求护理课程描述(英文)
你好同学,澳大利亚转护理专业的人挺多的,至少我们学校(Deakin University)护理很多中国人都是转过来的。我当时转了两年,是网上找人弄得。
③ 大学课程英文简介!!急!!真的很急!!
高等数学2A - High Level Mathematics 2A
建筑环境与能源应用工程概论 - Construction Environment and Energy Engineering Technology(省去”概论“用”技术“取代。概论这种东西翻译成英文听起来很像初学者)
大学化学 - Chemistry (省去大学,因为对方已经知道你是大学)
画法几何与工程制图 - Geometry and Technical Drawing
大学英语读写译,大学英语听力,大学英语口语 - Professional English Study (合并这三个科目,并改为”专业英语“,因为国外听力,读书这种事情是小学生做的,你那样写人家反而会觉得很好笑)
④ 大学课程介绍 翻译为英文
Ideological and Moral Cultivation of this course is to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as guidance, outlook on life, values, ethics ecation, the main line, ecate and guide students to strengthen their own ideological and moral cultivation and improve ideological and moral quality of an ideological and political ecation programs. Contents: meet the goal of college life and establish a talent; good psychological quality; correctly deal with friendship and love; establish a correct outlook on life and values; cultivate good moral character; carry forward the national spirit; efforts to achieve comprehensive human development.
Mao Zedong Thought "Mao Zedong Thought," a basic course. Main content includes three parts: First, General remarks, mainly discusses the meaning of Mao Zedong Thought, the resulting social and historical conditions and the proction, maturation and development of the historical process; two basic elements of Mao Zedong Thought; third live Mao Zedong Thought the soul, this part is the focus of the course.
Journal of College Chinese "College Language" is my Liberal Arts class, economics, engineering students of all public courses. The course through the literary forms of Chinese language and culture heritage and teaching content can be summarized as their appreciation of reading, literary knowledge, linguistic knowledge in three aspects.
Computer Culture This course is required course. Through this course, students master basic computer knowledge, basic concepts and basic skills, taking into account the use of utility software and computer application in the field of cutting-edge knowledge and proficiency for students learning to use computers and to further lay the foundation for computer-related knowledge.
Basic course of law is the legal basis for university students an ideological and moral lesson. Legal basis for the course to train students as the core of socialist legal consciousness of the socialist legal ecation students courses to enhance their legal awareness.
Marxist political economics students of the course is public and political theory, mainly related to the creation of Marxist political economy and scientific status of Marxism and political economy study, research tasks and research methods, ality of labor theory, the general commodity economy law theory of surplus value, capital circulation and the flow theory and the reproction of social capital theory, the essence of socialist proction relations and the economic system of the socialist market economic system and economic performance, economic globalization and international relations and so on.
Computer language to program design of this course is the main line to C language modeled, introcing the basic concepts and C language programming ideas and methods to train students using C language to analyze and solve simple practical problems.
International trade theory and practice of international trade theory and practice is a required course for students of Finance and Economics, is one of understanding and knowledge of the basic theory of international trade and international sale of goods introctory course in basic skills. This course by the "international trade theory" and "International Trade Practice," composed of two courses. "International trade theory" is to study international trade and development, and reveal the characteristics and movement rules and disciplines. International Trade is a major study of international commodity exchange for the specific process discipline, which also has the characteristics of foreign-related activities, practical application of highly integrated science.
Enterprise and Enterprise System This course introces the major schools of modern business theory, mainstream analysis and research methods; will combine modern theory of the firm growth of China's enterprise reform and development of practice here; master the forefront of the development of modern business theory and its development trends; enterprise system, divided into two main lines: First, set the height of the modern theory of the national economy, internal governance structure, government-enterprise relationship management system, technical progress mechanism, M & A mechanism of macroscopic, systemic problem; Second, for the Chinese state-owned enterprises, collective enterprises, joint-stock cooperative enterprises, private enterprises such as the specific status of different types, to analyze and study the modern enterprise system reform in the face of difficulties and operational problems.
Instrial Economics, "Instrial Economics" course is a four-year undergraate students for the College of Business Administration Applied Economics offered public courses. The main content of this course theory of instrial organization, instrial structure theory, theory of instrial distribution, instrial policy and instrial economics of the frontier issues.
⑤ 英语课程描述
二楼的中文简介很赞啊,那我来补充一下Course Descriptions的格式吧!
一般说来一个完整的Course Description可分为三部分:名称、学时和大纲,具体格式如下:
Course Descriptions
1. English Writing
* credits, ? lessons(或hours,视各个学校情况而定)/week(*和?处楼主应该有具体数字)
The aim of this course is to develop the preliminary writing ability of students, which includes the writing of synopsises, summaries, essays, and simple practical writings. (此处翻译二楼。其实简介写清楚这门课是干什么的、有什么目的就够了;如果想写得长一点,可以写具体的课程安排,举例见下)
Week 1: An Introction to English Writing
Week 2: Word Choice and Sentence Structure
Week 3: Synopsis and Summary
Week 4: Paragraph and Essay
Week 5: Descriptive Writing
Week 6: Narrative Writing
Week 7: Expository Writing
Week 8: Argumentative Writing(都是根据二楼简介瞎掰的)
2. The Society and Culture of English-Speaking Countries
* credits, ? lessons/week
3. ……(以此类推)
⑥ 中国大学的课程描述 英文版
⑦ 大学英语课程描述(出国留学需要)
简 介: 本专业旨在培养适应我国企业改革和发展需要,德、智、体全面发展,具有良好的知识结构,较高的管理素质和较强的创新精神,能独立从事企事业部门管理工作的管理人才。培养重点在于现代管理理论、创新的管理模式、现代信息手段应用以及全球化观点与我国企业管理实践的有机结合,以期通过向我国工商界输送具有创新精神的新生力量,推动我国企业管理水平的提高。
一、专 科:
⑧ 急求以下课程的英文版课程描述!!
应用数学Application Mathematics
马克思主义政治经济学原理Marxist Principles of Political Economy
演讲与口才Speech and Eloquence
申论 我不知道是什么
“思政课”社会实践"Ideological and Political Ecation" social practice,
公文写作,Document Writing,
形势与政策,Situation and Policy
企业管理学Enterprise management.
计算机导论Introction to Computer Science
操作系统Operating system (Linux),
网络数据库技术与应用Network database technology and applications,
网站开发技术Web site development technology
网络侦查与安全技术Network detection and security technologies,
局域网组建与维护Local Area Network and maintenance,
网络安全技术应用Network security technology,
数据安全与恢复Data security and recovery,
网站规划与工程设计Site planning and engineering design
计算机网络技术Computer Network Technology,
网页设计Web Design,
Linux组网技术Linux networking technology,
计算机英语Computer English(有这门课?)
计算机信息的加密与解密Computer encryption and decryption,
计算机辅助设计Computer-aided design,
无线局域网技术Wireless LAN technology,
图形与图像处理Graphics and image processing.
⑨ HELP!!出国留学申请材料----课程描述(英文)
这是另外一个 需要自己选择课程的 也是你要去的学校的
应该说你只要好好找一找 就可依照所有课程了
⑩ 求课程描述英文翻译——微积分
Calculus course is the science and engineering colleges and universities is the most important one of the basic theory courses. Through the studying of this course, make students systematically acquiring the calculus and series such as the basic theory knowledge and the commonly used computing method. Including sequence limits and function limit generalizability, properties of continuous functions and operations. Derivative and differential concepts, fundamental theorem of differential. Solution of indefinite integral definite integral concept, present condition, Newton - Leibniz formula. Partial derivative, the concept of total differential, the implicit function theorem to the solution, conditional extremum. Calculation and application of double integral, curve, calculation of curved surface integral and integral relations. Number series discriminant method. The concept of generalized integral. Through the teaching of students have good ability to analyze and solve problems. At the same time through class discussion and guided self study to improve students' learning ability. For the following study and future professional work to lay the necessary foundation of mathematics.