『壹』 求关于 '学习英语' 的口语考试对话
A:Hey,de!B:Hey,what'sup!A:Notmuch...B:Doyoustillremembertheproverb""welearnedtodayintheclass?A:Sure!B:Whatdoyoutnkofit?A:En...Itisgood,veryimprressive~B:Comeon,I'mserious.Youransweristoobroad...A:Well,itseemsyou'dliketotalkabouttssentence,unh?!Sowhatdoyoutnkofit?B:Me?!Itnkit'.,.Forexample,"friend",tsworddoesn'tmeantheguyyouhangoutwith,butapartner,ahelper,.A:Well,youhaveaverystrongsenseonts...IconfessIdidn'ttnkalotasyoudid...butsinceyouhavethoughtofit...you,itsortofstirsupmyfeelingsnow.B:Okay,then,whatdoyoutnk?A:Haveyoueverseenthe?B:Sure,it'sthebestever!A:Yeah.Iamainsanelyfaithfulfantothat...youwhy?.,asympathy,wcsexactlydepictedinthe.Forexample,intheshow,cated,however,,namely,.B:Yeah,thatisright!friendshaveatng!A:What'smore,realfiendshavethetng,wcsexactlythesighoffriendsp,ingsonthefriendsp.Forexample,inthe,,however,...sametngwiththefriendsp,you...Hereispoint,sincerealfriendshavethetng,"tng"andthat'.SoImean...,right?A:Yeah.ThatiswhatIgotfromit.B:Ok,!Then,theproverbpredictstheresult.A:That'sright!Yourthoughtareamazing!B:Andyouwhat?Weactuallyhaveatngtogether!!A:Right!Come,givemeahug!(AandBembrace)TheEnd.这是我刚才准备回答另一个问题写的,但是那个问题居然关闭了……我靠……你既然求大学对话,就给你吧。主题是关于友谊的。注:限于男男对话。噢 顺便一提,现在我报读的ABC天卞英语中心的外教和我们说过,其实要学好英语是不难的。绝对要拥有一个适合的学习空间及熟练口语对象 外教水平很重要,发音纯正才行 不间断天天练习口语,1 on 1家教式辅导才可以有很.好.的学习成果!课程结束后还要复习听取课堂音频 来进一步深化知识;不过实在无对象可练习的话,那么就去可可或BBC拿到课余教材学习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,短时间语感会提高起来,学习效益会非常最佳的..
『贰』 课前英语小对话
『叁』 谁能提供英语课前的英语对话 谢谢
A: Good morning, Mr. Li.
B: Good morning, Jiang. How are you today?
A: I'm fine, and you?
B: I'm fine too. Thank you.
A: Are we going to study a new lesson today?
B: Yes, we are. We will move to Lesson 12.
A: It's quite difficult.
B: It may be. But as long as you study hard, you'll understand it.
『肆』 学校想要开设一些什么课程的英语对话
What class do you think our school should open ?
I think the most class is practing class. The more we practice ,the better we will adjust our society. Besides, language class is also important so that we can communicate with different people.
『伍』 英语课情景对话
Patient Good morning,doctor!
Doctor Morning!What's your trouble,young man?
Patient I feel sick and I have a headache.
Doctor How long have you been like this?
Patient Since last night.
Doctor Let me look you over carefully.
Patient Is anything wrong with me?
Doctor Yes,but it's not serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them three times a day and drink moer water.
Patient How soon can Ibe all right again?
Doctor If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days.
Patient OK,thanks a lot!
『陆』 关于喜欢课目及原因的英语对话
那我就冒着被全天下中国人骂是“叛徒”的危险,向大家透露一下我的“四项基本原则”,没办法,为了大家能进步,我豁出去了。 说来简单,但要持之以恒很难,那就是:“坚持只听英文歌,坚持只看英文电影,坚持在听歌和看电影的时候跟学,坚持只崇拜外国明星”。做到这一点,英语就成为你生命中的一部分了。说到这里,估计有很多同学要开骂了 好吧,放松一点要求,把每句话中的“只”字去掉! 我是从初中开始由tom cruise的电影“top gun”引发对好莱坞明星的崇拜,进而诱发学习英语的兴趣的。从那以后,每天不用专门花很多时间捧着书看,英语成绩就能一直在上名列前茅,可见此秘籍的效果真是好的不得了。 为什么呢?因为其实说穿了就是“寓教于乐”。嗯 顺便提一下 我现在学的ABC天卞口语的导师和我们说过,如果想将英语学好应该是不费力地..绝对需要个适宜的研习空间以及闇练口语对象 外教水平很重要,最好欧美母语,口语纯正才是最好,不间断每日口语沟通 1 on 1加强化教学就有很.好.的学习成果!学习后还要重复复习课程录音音频 来进一步深化知识~不过实在没有练习对象的话,最好能去听力室或爱思拿到课后材料阅读,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读,短时间英语水平会进步许多 学习效益应该可以最佳的 每个人每天都得花点时间娱乐吧,如果你把英语学习融入了娱乐中,在娱乐的同时还锻炼了自己的听说能力、拓展了知识面、加深了对异域文化的了解,请问能不比其他同学强吗? 最后,申明一点:本人绝对爱国,日后若是真的能够成行,一定回来效祖国!
『柒』 速求一篇关于自己喜欢的课程的英语四人对话,要5分钟左右,谢谢啦!
On studying
Bill: Any, you seem to be doing all right!
Any: I am. But I still have to do a lot of reading about English lessons.
Paul: So do I. I have lots of reading work to do every day. But I think that's pretty normal for postgrauate work.
Tom: I agree with you, Paul. I imagine a big part of the problem is that it's all in your second language.
Any: I suppose I'll just have to learn to read faster, or I will fail the coming test next week!
Bill: How about the seminars? Can you three follow the discussions?
Any: Well, I can usually follow what the others say, but I'm not used to be being in a seminar and I never know what to say!
Tom: Neither do I. I am aslo quite afraid of discussion class.How about you, Paul?
Paul: It is my difficult problem indeed!
Bill: Don't be shy! Just speak out! Seminars are very important in postgraate work. As I see it, most of the benefit of the seminars comes from the exchange of ideas.
Any: Yes, I'm beginning to agree with you! I've gained some very valuable insights from the others in my class. I will share them all of you tomorrow morning!
Tom, Bill, Paul: It's very kind of you!
Any: But you should share your insights with us.I'm sure you have a lot to offer, just as the others do!
Tom, Bill, Paul: That's great!
『捌』 关于课程的英语对话 各位英语高手帮我写一份关于一天上啥课的两个人的谈论!
A:你上午上抄英语课了吗?did you have english class this morning
oh,no,we had match class at morning,we will have history class this
afternoon and have english at Tomorrow.what about you
we had english just now,and we will have a holiday this
afternoon and tmmorrow
B:哦 天啊 太幸福了 oh dear you are all luckey