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發布時間: 2021-03-12 03:33:30

㈠ 傳播學英語翻譯

Communication media, especially the revolution and the development of mass media, has crucial impacts on people's communication activities. The early form of mass communication initiated long before its prevalence. However,it had been neglected by society for a rather long period of time. Ultimately, the revolution of media and the pervasive promotion contributed to the wide acknowledgement that mass communication is indispensable in any society. Therefore, this phenomenon together with the revolution itself attracted much social attention,which substantially promoted the emergence and the development of communication theories, especially mass communication.

Communication media, as a kind of social capital, was initially dominanted by the upper class. Therefore, the develpment of advanced mass media technology accounts for one of the most important reasons for the wide distribution of this social capital by more and more ordinary people. Compared with changes mentioned above brought by communication media revolution, it influenced more profoundly on the traditional concepts and patterns of mass communication. As a result, mass communication itself is redefined in various perspectives.

Encountering these new concepts and changes, appropriate judegments and actions are needed for different social sectors so as to take the most advantage of mass media. Meanwhile, it should be noted that many problems emerged in the popularity and application of advanced media, mainly the Internet. These problems manifest mainly in two aspects. One is the diffusion of harmful information. The other is the alienation between indivials and media. Therefore, for a better communication environment, both the qualities of communication organizations and of the audience are urgely required to improve.


傳播媒介其實一般在專業領域中直接被翻譯為media,所以如果你覺得communication media在這段話里看著不順眼的話就直接說Media吧~

㈡ 傳媒專業英語哪些大學好一些


㈢ 什麼是傳媒英語

media technology即傳媒英語。應用於傳媒方面的,課程及課本會更多涉及傳媒方面的專業詞彙。

㈣ 關於中國傳媒大學英語專業就業

就業前景: 我國對外開放和建設海峽西岸經濟區需要大量既懂商務英語又懂外貿的復合型人才。本專業畢業生大都在外貿企業從事外貿業務工作,在涉外大型飯店、旅遊部門、企事業單位從事文員和翻譯工作,就業率達 90% 以上。

1 、國際貿易實務方向

2 、國際商務管理及秘書方向
3 、會展商務英語方向
本專業方向培養掌握會展與廣告設計基本理論和知識 、具備會展設計規劃和運用計算機進行藝術創造設計的實用型高級專業人才。學生畢業後能從事國際、國內各種會展的組織與策劃、會展翻譯、會展協調與服務、外事辦公等工作。

就業前景: 國際商務公司、外資企業、三資企業、民營企業、金融機構、跨國公司中國分公司、境外中國公司、涉外機構、政府、行政事業單位從事國際貿易、進出口貿易、商務談判、翻譯、涉外文秘和管理等工作。也適合各外貿易公司、商場、賓館、企事業單位辦公部門等


㈤ 請教,「大眾傳媒」這個專業英文怎麼說

[詞典] [心] mass media;
The mass media have been vested with significant power as social and political agents in modern developed societies

㈥ 傳媒專業 英語怎麼說

media & communication

㈦ 傳媒類有什麼寫出英語的5種


㈧ 傳媒專業課程英文翻譯

Ad and writing,
study of classical literature,
visual arts,
computer print ad design,
business planning CI design,
advertising media research

㈨ 傳媒英語的介紹

media technology即傳媒英語。應實用英語強調語言在具體的工作領域的應用,比如文秘、酒店、商貿、教育等等。 用於傳媒方面的,課程及課本會更多涉及傳媒方面的專業詞彙。 這樣的英語專業是側重型英語。學習英語知識的同時,加之專業方面的英語知識。 而普通的大學英語課程就是以提高英語水平而設立的。

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