A. acca f2科目講什麼內容
ACCA考試科目F2的名稱是管理會計,考官會期待考生對「管理」的理解有一定深度,同學們應注意全書各知識點之間的關聯。今天高頓財經網小編給大家總結一些ACCA F2知識點。再送大家一個2019ACCA資料包,可以分享給小夥伴,自提,戳:ACCA資料【新手指南】+內部講義+解析音頻
ACCA F2知識點:fixed cost固定成本
單位固定成本:固定成本總額不變,隨著生產數量的變化,單位固定成本因為分攤的數量更多而變少。因此,從總金額和單位金額來考量,fix cost的total value不變,但unit value會下降。
ACCA F2知識點:variable cost變動成本
因為活動水平的變化,會有一個直接的變動風險關系,比較常見的就是我們生產產品的材料,生產的產品越多,需要的材料也就會有相應的增長。從total cost和unit cost來理解,當活動水平越多,變動成本會增長,單位變動成本不變,因為生產產品用多少材料固定,單位不變,但總的變動成本是會增長的。
除此之外,還要掌握圖形的畫法和計算,total variable cost應該等於unit variable cost乘以一個數量。
ACCA F2知識點:stepped cost階梯成本
其本質是fix cost,但是階梯成本有一個入門,如果過了入門等級,固定成本就要增長,這時候就會呈現一個開始不動,過一個等級就會有一個上升的狀態。例如:房租,開始是不變的,但是一旦活動水平太高,需要額外租一個房子的時候,它就會上漲,所以就變成一個像梯子一樣的狀態,穩定到一個級別,突然上漲一些,再到下一個級別,再上漲一些。
ACCA F2知識點:semi-variable cost半變動成本
半變動成本是fix cost與variablecost合並而成,既有變動成本又有固定成本,半變動成本還有另外一個名字叫mixed cost混合成本,兩個名字可以通用。
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B. acca P4科目講什麼內容
【高頓ACCA小編】2016年ACCA即將迎來一年四次考試,我們將第一時間公布考試相關內容,請各位考生密切關注高頓ACCA,預祝大家順利通過ACCA考試。今天為大家帶來的是ACCA P4科目介紹及學習方法
ACCA P4科目介紹:P4《高級財務管理》是F9《財務管理》的後續課程,更加註重一些復雜的戰略財務管理問題的解決。大綱分為四大部分,主要考察:
4.財務問題的影響。 ACCA P4學習方法
我認為P4最關鍵的是思考問題的角度,因為經歷大量的練習之後各種公式模型肯定已經很熟悉了。可以發現幾乎所有問題給我們的身份都是企業高管或咨詢師,所涉及的問題也都是對企業具有重大戰略意義或者風險很高的領域,因此要首先明確自己的看待問題的角度,不能僅從操作層面尋求方案,而是要綜合考慮內外部環境、利益相關者的需求後做出**決策。和SKILLS MODULE明顯不同的一點是P4已經不把考察單獨知識點的掌握和公示的運用作為重點,而是需要我們在面對復雜的財務狀況和內外環境時,根據職業判斷挑選可以使用的模型方法,然後針對各種方法的適用性和可靠性做出全面的討論評價,最後結合企業和社會的特殊需求做出最終選擇,得出結論。P4分析時給出結論很重要,因為分析本身不是目的,成為一名合格的決策者是ACCA真正培養的能力。
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C. 國外的ACCA課程主要學習什麼內容
學習稅法不同: 一般中國在學中國的稅法(中文); acca一般選的是英國稅法(Acca 也有中國稅法,但教材不普及, 少人選)
學習法律不同: 一般中國在學中國的法律如物權法, 民法. acca學英國法律
會計及審計准則不同: 中國學中國的准則; acca學國際准則. 中國准剛跟國際接軌, 但有少差別
學習語言不同: 中國用中文; acca用英文
D. acca f5科目講什麼內容
通過F5 的學習,學生可以在F2的基礎上進一步掌握和理解作業成本法,目標成本法,生命周期成本法,生產力會計法,環境會計法以及相關成本分析,限制因素,價格決策,內部生產還是外部采購以及其他短期決策。處理做決策時的風險和不確定性。掌握不同的預算方式以及定量分析預算,標准成本,混合和產量差異分析,銷量混合和銷量差異,計劃和運營差異。了解業績管理信息體統和業績管理信息來源,管理會計報告,私營企業的業績分析,分布業績和轉移定價,公共企業和非盈利企業的業績分析,外部行為方面的考慮。
E. ACCA的全稱是什麼
全稱The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,即特許公認會計師公會。ACCA在國內稱為"國際注冊會計師",它是目前世界上領先的專業會計師團體,也是國際上海外學員最多、學員規模發展最快的專業會計師組織。
它是英國具有特許頭銜的4家注冊會計師協會之一,也是當今最知名的國際性會計師組織之一。ACCA 資格被認為是"國際財會界的通行證"。
F. ACCA的課程設置是什麼
F1會計師與企業Accountant in Business(AB/FAB)
F2管理會計Management Accounting(MA/FMA)
F3財務會計Financial Accounting(FA/FFA)
F4公司法與商法Corporate and Business Law(CL)
F5業績管理Performance Management(PM)
F7財務報告Financial Reporting(FR)
F8審計與認證業務Audit and Assurance(AA)
F9財務管理Financial Management(FM)
SBL戰略商業領袖Strategic Business Leader
SBR戰略商業報告Strategic Business Reporting
P4高級財務管理Advanced Financial Management(AFM)
P5高級業績管理Advanced Performance Management(APM)
P6高級稅務Advanced Taxation(ATX)
P7高級審計與認證業務Advanced Audit and Assurance(AAA)
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G. ACCA的F1、F2、F3都是什麼課程啊
對於初次接觸ACCA的小夥伴,高頓ACCA小編在這里為大講解一下關於ACCA F5(PM)科目課程的內容,內希望對大家有所幫容助,下面一起來看看吧。再送大家一個2019ACCA資料包,可以分享給小夥伴,自提,戳:ACCA資料【新手指南】+內部講義+解析音頻
Performance Management業績管理
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H. ACCA都考哪些科目
(F1/FAB)Foundations of Accounting in BusinessTo introce knowledge and understanding of the business and its environment and the influence this has on how organisations are structured and on the role of the accounting and other key business functions in contributing to the efficient,effective and ethical management and development of an organisation and its people and systems.
(F2/FMA)Foundations of Management AccountingTo develop knowledge and understanding of providing basic management information in an organisation to support management in planning and decision-making.
(F3/FFA)Foundations of Financial AccountingTo develop knowledge and understanding of the underlying principles and concepts relating to financial accounting and technical proficiency in the use of double-entry accounting techniques including the preparation of basic financial statements.
(F4)Corporate and Business Law
To develop knowledge and skills in the understanding of the general legal framework,and of specific legal areas relating to business,recognizing the need to seek further specialist leg advice where necessary.
(F5)Performance Management
To develop knowledge and skills in the application of management accounting techniques to quantitative and qualitative information for planning,decision-making,performance evaluation,and control(F6)Taxation(UK)
To develop knowledge and skills relating to the tax system as applicable to indivials,single companies,and groups of companies.
(F7)Financial Reporting(INT)
To develop knowledge and skills in understanding and applying accounting standards and the theoretical framework in the preparation of financial statements of entities,including groups and how to analyse and interpret those financial statements.
(F8)Audit and Assurance(INT)
To develop knowledge and understanding of the process of carrying out the assurance engagement and its application in the context of the professional regulatory framework.
(F9)Financial Management
To develop the knowledge and skills expected of a finance manager,in relation to investment,financing,and dividend policy decisions.
(P1)Governance,Risk and Ethics
To apply relevant knowledge,skills and exercise professional judgment in carrying out the role of the accountant relating to governance,internal control,compliance and the management of risk within an organisation,in the context of an overall ethical framework.
(P2)Corporate Reporting(INT)
To apply knowledge,skills and exercise professional judgement in the application and evaluation of financial reporting principles and practices in a range of business contexts and situations.
(P3)Business Analysis
To apply relevant knowledge,skills,and exercise professional judgement in assessing strategic position,determining strategic choice,and implementing strategic action through beneficial business process and structural change;coordinating knowledge systems and information technology and by effectively managing processes projects,and people within financial and other resource constraints.
(P4)Advanced Financial Management
To apply relevant knowledge,skills and exercise professional judgement as expected of a senior financial executive or advisor,in taking or recommending decisions relating to the financial management of an organisation.
(P5)Advanced Performance Management
To apply relevant knowledge,skills and exercise professional judgement in selecting and applying strategic management accounting techniques in different business contexts and to contribute to the evaluation of the performance of an organisation and its strategic development.
(P7)Advanced Audit and Assurance(INT)
To analyse,evaluate and conclude on the assurance engagement and other audit and assurance issues in the context of best practice and current developments.
急速通關計劃 ACCA全球私播課 大學生僱主直通車計劃 周末面授班 寒暑假沖刺班 其他課程
I. acca f4科目講什麼內容
ACCA P4科目介紹:
4.財務問題的影響。 ACCA P4科目考試技巧 ACCA P4 Advance Financial Management Paper Exam Tips for September 2015 Session are given below by famous tuition providers Kaplan
P4 is a technical paper with some complex calculations sometimes but DO NOT think of the exam as numbers-only. There are plenty of discursive parts which are usually easier than the calculations and easy marks can be picked up by applying commercial awareness and common sense.
Analyse the indivial requirements of the question. If you can do the wordy bits first then do so as you will not get bogged down in them like you will with the calculation elements.
Do not expect to finish a question. You must stick to time, especially on the calculations which are very easy to over-run on. The exam is extremely time pressured and the secret to passing is to have a go at every part of every question, not to try and get 100% on every question – to do that you would need about 7 hours!
If you are not sure what to do with a particular figure in a question, ignore it and move on – state assumptions, you haven』t got time to worry about it!
If you get a Black-Scholes question, always list out the input variables as your first stage and assign the relevant values to them – there will be about 2-3 marks usually for doing this.
Practice as many questions as possible but do as many as possible to time. You must get used to doing the questions in the time available and not spending too long on them.
Practice as many questions as possible across the syllabus, and don』t only concentrate on what you consider to be the core areas.
Choose carefully on section B of the paper – it is very limited choice but nonetheless it will be critical.
Do not put down unnecessary workings; because as it will cost you heavily in lost time.
If there is a calculation that you are unable to complete – for e.g. a WACC which prevents you from going on to do the NPV, then just make a reasonable assumption and estimate a WACC which you have been unable to calculate, this will then allow you to progress the calculation and get on to the often more generously rewarded discursive parts of the question.
Look out for examinable articles – two in particular for June 2011:
24 August – The new examiner Shishir Malde gives his approach for the P4 paper 23 September – Another article by the new examiner Shishir Malde on Risk Management January/February article
Two key topics are always NPV appraisal and capital structure, particularly CAPM and Betas. You will not pass if that is all you know but you will struggle to pass if you do not know them!
ACCA P4科目學習方法
我認為P4最關鍵的是思考問題的角度,因為經歷大量的練習之後各種公式模型肯定已經很熟悉了。可以發現幾乎所有問題給我們的身份都是企業高管或咨詢師,所涉及的問題也都是對企業具有重大戰略意義或者風險很高的領域,因此要首先明確自己的看待問題的角度,不能僅從操作層面尋求方案,而是要綜合考慮內外部環境、利益相關者的需求後做出******決策。和SKILLS MODULE明顯不同的一點是P4已經不把考察單獨知識點的掌握和公示的運用作為重點,而是需要我們在面對復雜的財務狀況和內外環境時,根據職業判斷挑選可以使用的模型方法,然後針對各種方法的適用性和可靠性做出全面的討論評價,最後結合企業和社會的特殊需求做出最終選擇,得出結論。P4分析時給出結論很重要,因為分析本身不是目的,成為一名合格的決策者是ACCA真正培養的能力。