『壹』 求關於 '學習英語' 的口語考試對話
A:Hey,de!B:Hey,what'sup!A:Notmuch...B:Doyoustillremembertheproverb""welearnedtodayintheclass?A:Sure!B:Whatdoyoutnkofit?A:En...Itisgood,veryimprressive~B:Comeon,I'mserious.Youransweristoobroad...A:Well,itseemsyou'dliketotalkabouttssentence,unh?!Sowhatdoyoutnkofit?B:Me?!Itnkit'.,.Forexample,"friend",tsworddoesn'tmeantheguyyouhangoutwith,butapartner,ahelper,.A:Well,youhaveaverystrongsenseonts...IconfessIdidn'ttnkalotasyoudid...butsinceyouhavethoughtofit...you,itsortofstirsupmyfeelingsnow.B:Okay,then,whatdoyoutnk?A:Haveyoueverseenthe?B:Sure,it'sthebestever!A:Yeah.Iamainsanelyfaithfulfantothat...youwhy?.,asympathy,wcsexactlydepictedinthe.Forexample,intheshow,cated,however,,namely,.B:Yeah,thatisright!friendshaveatng!A:What'smore,realfiendshavethetng,wcsexactlythesighoffriendsp,ingsonthefriendsp.Forexample,inthe,,however,...sametngwiththefriendsp,you...Hereispoint,sincerealfriendshavethetng,"tng"andthat'.SoImean...,right?A:Yeah.ThatiswhatIgotfromit.B:Ok,!Then,theproverbpredictstheresult.A:That'sright!Yourthoughtareamazing!B:Andyouwhat?Weactuallyhaveatngtogether!!A:Right!Come,givemeahug!(AandBembrace)TheEnd.這是我剛才准備回答另一個問題寫的,但是那個問題居然關閉了……我靠……你既然求大學對話,就給你吧。主題是關於友誼的。註:限於男男對話。噢 順便一提,現在我報讀的ABC天卞英語中心的外教和我們說過,其實要學好英語是不難的。絕對要擁有一個適合的學習空間及熟練口語對象 外教水平很重要,發音純正才行 不間斷天天練習口語,1 on 1家教式輔導才可以有很.好.的學習成果!課程結束後還要復習聽取課堂音頻 來進一步深化知識;不過實在無對象可練習的話,那麼就去可可或BBC拿到課余教材學習,多用耳聽、眼觀、嘴動、腦想,短時間語感會提高起來,學習效益會非常最佳的..
『貳』 課前英語小對話
『叄』 誰能提供英語課前的英語對話 謝謝
A: Good morning, Mr. Li.
B: Good morning, Jiang. How are you today?
A: I'm fine, and you?
B: I'm fine too. Thank you.
A: Are we going to study a new lesson today?
B: Yes, we are. We will move to Lesson 12.
A: It's quite difficult.
B: It may be. But as long as you study hard, you'll understand it.
『肆』 學校想要開設一些什麼課程的英語對話
What class do you think our school should open ?
I think the most class is practing class. The more we practice ,the better we will adjust our society. Besides, language class is also important so that we can communicate with different people.
『伍』 英語課情景對話
Patient Good morning,doctor!
Doctor Morning!What's your trouble,young man?
Patient I feel sick and I have a headache.
Doctor How long have you been like this?
Patient Since last night.
Doctor Let me look you over carefully.
Patient Is anything wrong with me?
Doctor Yes,but it's not serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them three times a day and drink moer water.
Patient How soon can Ibe all right again?
Doctor If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days.
Patient OK,thanks a lot!
『陸』 關於喜歡課目及原因的英語對話
那我就冒著被全天下中國人罵是「叛徒」的危險,向大家透露一下我的「四項基本原則」,沒辦法,為了大家能進步,我豁出去了。 說來簡單,但要持之以恆很難,那就是:「堅持只聽英文歌,堅持只看英文電影,堅持在聽歌和看電影的時候跟學,堅持只崇拜外國明星」。做到這一點,英語就成為你生命中的一部分了。說到這里,估計有很多同學要開罵了 好吧,放鬆一點要求,把每句話中的「只」字去掉! 我是從初中開始由tom cruise的電影「top gun」引發對好萊塢明星的崇拜,進而誘發學習英語的興趣的。從那以後,每天不用專門花很多時間捧著書看,英語成績就能一直在上名列前茅,可見此秘籍的效果真是好的不得了。 為什麼呢?因為其實說穿了就是「寓教於樂」。嗯 順便提一下 我現在學的ABC天卞口語的導師和我們說過,如果想將英語學好應該是不費力地..絕對需要個適宜的研習空間以及闇練口語對象 外教水平很重要,最好歐美母語,口語純正才是最好,不間斷每日口語溝通 1 on 1加強化教學就有很.好.的學習成果!學習後還要重復復習課程錄音音頻 來進一步深化知識~不過實在沒有練習對象的話,最好能去聽力室或愛思拿到課後材料閱讀,多說、多練、多問、多聽、多讀,短時間英語水平會進步許多 學習效益應該可以最佳的 每個人每天都得花點時間娛樂吧,如果你把英語學習融入了娛樂中,在娛樂的同時還鍛煉了自己的聽說能力、拓展了知識面、加深了對異域文化的了解,請問能不比其他同學強嗎? 最後,申明一點:本人絕對愛國,日後若是真的能夠成行,一定回來效祖國!
『柒』 速求一篇關於自己喜歡的課程的英語四人對話,要5分鍾左右,謝謝啦!
On studying
Bill: Any, you seem to be doing all right!
Any: I am. But I still have to do a lot of reading about English lessons.
Paul: So do I. I have lots of reading work to do every day. But I think that's pretty normal for postgrauate work.
Tom: I agree with you, Paul. I imagine a big part of the problem is that it's all in your second language.
Any: I suppose I'll just have to learn to read faster, or I will fail the coming test next week!
Bill: How about the seminars? Can you three follow the discussions?
Any: Well, I can usually follow what the others say, but I'm not used to be being in a seminar and I never know what to say!
Tom: Neither do I. I am aslo quite afraid of discussion class.How about you, Paul?
Paul: It is my difficult problem indeed!
Bill: Don't be shy! Just speak out! Seminars are very important in postgraate work. As I see it, most of the benefit of the seminars comes from the exchange of ideas.
Any: Yes, I'm beginning to agree with you! I've gained some very valuable insights from the others in my class. I will share them all of you tomorrow morning!
Tom, Bill, Paul: It's very kind of you!
Any: But you should share your insights with us.I'm sure you have a lot to offer, just as the others do!
Tom, Bill, Paul: That's great!
『捌』 關於課程的英語對話 各位英語高手幫我寫一份關於一天上啥課的兩個人的談論!
A:你上午上抄英語課了嗎?did you have english class this morning
oh,no,we had match class at morning,we will have history class this
afternoon and have english at Tomorrow.what about you
we had english just now,and we will have a holiday this
afternoon and tmmorrow
B:哦 天啊 太幸福了 oh dear you are all luckey